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Pony Club members can become involved in any of the following activities (click on link for more details):

All members are expected to participate in the education sessions and encouraged to participate in the testing (regular mounted or stable management streams) as well as Quiz.

Members may choose to participate in as many or as few of the other mounted activities as their schedules allow. New members are encouraged to attend any events and practices of all the disciplines, even when they themselves are not participating, to get an idea of the fun involved, and to cheer their club mates on!


One regional competition is held for each of the Disciplines. Each branch in the Western Ontario Region receives points for the number of participants it sends to the Regional competitions, as well as points for performance. At the end of the year the WOR High Point Trophy is awarded to the branch achieving the most points across all disciplines in that year. However, the real benefit of these Regional events is the team building that each club experiences as the members compete together. In addition to this, new and often lasting friendships are made throughout the entire Region.

A third benefit is the opportunity for members who place well at the Regional level to progress to the Zone (Provincial), National, and International competitions in all the disciplines. For example, in our first year OPC already had one member travel to BC for the National Tetrathlon competition.

Regardless of the level of competition attained, each offers the members a variety of experiences that are well organized, safe and memorable from Lead line to international competition.

No Horse? No Problem
Although many of our members own, lease or part board their own horses, we have members who just love horses and want to participate in our Horsemanship program, our badge program and other non-mounted activities. These members will often attend many of the regional/zonal activities and participate as a mascot, a groom, or a cheering section for the members who are participating along with other members of the club who are not riding in those competition /events.